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每年九月第三個星期六是國際間公認的自由軟體慶祝日,今年是在 9/18 星期六,目前全世界已有一千四百多個團隊在官網上註冊今年的活動,而在東台灣,萬寧國小卻是第一個!

Software Freedom Day has been held on the third Saturday of September. And it's on September 18 this year. It has grown in popularity and organizers anticipate more than 1,400 teams in this year on the official website of the event. And Wanning school is the first ever for hosting such event in Eastern Taiwan.

世界各國選在這天辦國際性的串連活動,目的是在向大眾介紹自由軟體的好處與意義。萬寧國小也將於是日舉辦「發現自由軟體」活動,由花蓮縣政府教育處、教育網路中心指導,主講人為國際 Debian 計劃官方開發者暨利群資通負責人-李健秋先生。

Software Freedom Day (SFD) is an annual worldwide celebration of Free Software. SFD is a public education effort with the aim of increasing awareness of Free Software and its virtues, and encouraging its use. This event hosted at Wanning schoo is called “ Discovery on Free Soft ware ” conducted by Hualien Education Bureau and Hualien educational network center. The speaker is Andrew Lee, a Debian Developer and the owner of Liqun ICT Ltd..

萬寧國小承辦人謝家豪老師表示,目前針對學校教育系統量身訂做一套自由軟體- Skolelinux ,它提供了一個完整的系統,從中央伺服器中運行的所有學校需要的服務,到學生在課堂上使用的桌面軟體,包括超過 80 種內訂安裝的教育用途應用軟體,參加者還贈送一片自由軟體的光碟 ,學生將因參與和分享知識而獲得成長,進而變得出類拔萃。

At this moment, a free software solution tailored to the needs of schools is called 'Skolelinux'. It provides a complete system, from the central server running all the services the school needs, to the desktop software students use in class. And it has over 80 applications pre-installed specifically for educational use. We provide a free software DVD to all the particitpants. Students can grow and excel by participating and sharing knowledge.” The event main organizer, teacher J.H. Hsieh said.


Wanning Elementary School has been led by the principal S.P. Shong gathered in schools who wish to participate in the free software movement. School teachers improved on multi-application capability with free software, through learning and exchange to promote integration of the application of free software for the purpose of the ability and development of the educational free software community and implement the goal of free software on information education.
主辦單位: 萬寧國小
承辦單位: 萬寧國小
連絡電話: 8861211
傳真號碼: 8861972
公告時間: 2022-09-11 23:06:01
最後修改: 2010-09-20 09:54:00
點閱數: 216